Operationally effective and efficient

Trust documents and policies

Our systems and policies positively affect everything we do.

Updated July 2024

Allegations of Abuse Against Staff
Articles of Association
CCTV Policy
Charging and Remissions
Complaints Procedure & Form
Data Breach Policy
Data Protection Policy
Deed of Variation of Supplemental Funding Agreement (Kenton School) 17-07-22
Deed of Variation of Supplemental Funding Agreement (Studio West) 17-07-22
Deed of Variation to Master Funding Agreement 02-06-14
Deed of Variation to Master Funding Agreement 10-03-20
Deed of Variation to Master Funding Agreement 25-08-20
Dignity at Work
Disclosure of Criminal Convictions
Employee Code of Conduct
Equality Duty Statement and Objectives
FOI Policy
FOI Publication Scheme
Faculty Review and Assessment of Students Progress
Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Governance Attendance
Governance Details
Health and Safety
ICT Acceptable Use
Lone Working
Master Funding Agreement
NLT Governance Attendance
NLT Governance Details
Online Safety Policy
Parents and Carer Privacy Notice
Pecuniary Interests 23 24 Standards Committee
Pecuniary Interests 23 24 – F&GP Committee
Pecuniary Interests 23 24 KS
Pecuniary Interests 23 24 SW
Pecuniary Interests 23 24 – Trustees
Pupil Privacy Notice
Relationships and Sex Education
Review of Student Progress 2023 24
Scheme of Delegation -Terms of Reference of Committees
Scheme of Delegation
Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
Strategic Plan
Trade Union Facility Time Report 18-19
Trade Union Facility Time Report 19-20
Trade Union Facility Time Report 20-21
Trade Union Facility Time Report 21-22
Trade Union Facility Time Report 22-23
Trustees & Governors Code of Conduct


Agendas and Minutes of Meetings are available upon request – please contact us.

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