Focusing on improvement

Our performance

Helping pupils to be aspirational and achieve well.

Studio West

Studio West is a studio school. It opened in September 2014. Much of the learning at the school is based on active collaboration between the school and over 220 business partners, who provide contexts in which pupils can develop and apply a range of skills, including teamwork, critical thinking and broader life skills.

Studio West is a high performing studio school with a curriculum designed to ensure that students have an academic grounding with the knowledge and skills to succeed in work and life. The progress 8 score shows that it is an improving school. At its first inspection by Ofsted in 2019, it was judged to be good.

Kenton School

Kenton School is a large secondary school with a thriving 6th Form judged to be good by Ofsted in 2019. Provision for 11-16-year-olds was judged to be requiring improvement and this has been the focus of improvement work for governors and trustees in the school.

In September 2022, Ofsted reported that ‘Much has improved in Kenton School. Shrewd investment by the trust has increased leadership capacity. Leaders are ambitious for pupils. They want pupils to be aspirational and achieve well. This vision is beginning to be realised.’

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