Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

Trustees and Members


The role of the trustees is to:

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
  • hold our academies to account for the educational performance of the Trust and its learners and the performance management of staff
  • oversee the financial performance of the Trust and make sure its money is well spent

We achieve this commitment through our governing body meetings, where we discuss specific curriculum areas and plans for development. We challenge proposals brought to the meetings by the senior leadership team and see ourselves as critical friends.

We also meet to provide oversight of finances, staffing and performance data.

As a governing body, we absolutely support each of our academies in their vision and ethos and try to bring our individual skills to support them in serving the local community and helping all our learners to be the best they can be.

Trust structure and governors

Our Members

Thérèse Quincey

Member and Chair of Trustees

Our Trustees

Lee Kirtley

Chief Executive Officer

Thérèse Quincey

Member and Chair of Trustees

Ray Steele


Craig Hart

Member and Chair, Finance and General Purposes Committee

Lynne Ackland

Trustee and Community Co-opted Governor, Kenton School

Nickela Nichol

Trustee and Parent Governor, Studio West
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