Showcasing excellence

Community Champion Awards 2024

Providing students with an opportunity to stand out and shine for their contribution to the community.

Do you know a young person who makes their community a better place?

Following the success of last year, the NLT Community Champion Awards are back!

A highlight of the school year in the North East, the awards provide students with an opportunity to stand out and shine for their contribution to the community.

Thank you for all of your nominations for the 2024 Community Champion Awards! Entries are now closed and winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Friday 28 June.

Support for our Veterans

This year’s awards are proudly supporting the Launchpad Veterans charity – to find out more or to make a donation please visit > Launchpad Veterans


Community Hero Award
The Community Hero Award is given to students who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to their local community. These students have made a significant impact on the lives of others, whether it is through volunteering, fundraising, or other community initiatives. They have shown selflessness, generosity, and a willingness to go above and beyond to help others. By putting the needs of their community first, they have become true heroes in the eyes of those around them.

Young Fundraiser of the Year Award
The Young Fundraiser of the Year Award recognises students who have shown exceptional creativity and dedication in raising money for charitable causes. These students have organised fundraisers, run marathons, and undertaken other challenges to raise money for causes close to their hearts. They have shown a real commitment to making a difference in the world and have inspired others to do the same. By raising awareness of critical issues and raising funds for vital charities, they have become true champions of social justice and equality.

Young Volunteer of the Year
This award pays tribute to the profound impact created by the selfless volunteering efforts of students who devote countless hours to causes close to their hearts. The role of volunteering acts as a cornerstone, showcasing the deep commitment these individuals have made to making a positive difference in their local communities.

Eco Ambassador Award
This award shines a spotlight on the exceptional achievements of young individuals who have become eco-pioneers in their local communities. These young visionaries have implemented innovative solutions, fostering positive change for a greener tomorrow. Each nominee embodies the spirit of an eco-hero, this award not only acknowledges their remarkable contributions but also serves as an inspiration for others to follow in their eco-friendly footsteps.

Act of Kindness Award
The Act of Kindness Award is given to students who have demonstrated exceptional kindness and compassion towards others. These students have gone out of their way to help others in need, whether it is by offering a shoulder to cry on, helping with homework, or simply being there for someone who is going through a tough time. By showing kindness and empathy towards others, they have made a real difference in the lives of those around them and have helped to create a more compassionate and caring school community.

Young Carer Award
The Young Carer Award recognizes students who have shown exceptional dedication and commitment in caring for a family member, neighbour or friend who is ill or disabled. These students have taken on significant responsibilities by juggling their caring responsibilities with their schoolwork and other commitments. They have demonstrated remarkable resilience and strength of character and by caring for others, they have shown the true meaning of compassion and selflessness.

Courage Award
The Courage Award is given to students who have demonstrated exceptional bravery and resilience in the face of adversity. These students have overcome significant challenges, whether it is physical, emotional, or social, and have shown a determination to succeed against all odds. By facing their fears and overcoming obstacles, they have demonstrated remarkable strength of character and have become an inspiration to others.

Special Recognition Award
The Special Recognition Award is given to students who have made a significant contribution to the community, but who may not fit into any of the other categories. These students have demonstrated exceptional leadership. By pushing themselves to be the best they can be and inspiring others to do the same, they have made a real difference and shown themselves to be a true Community Champion.





Don’t forget to tag us! #communitychampions

If you have any questions about the Northern Leaders Trust Community Champion Awards, please email [email protected]


NLT Community Champion Awards are on Facebook


Community Hero Award Winner:
Paul White
Young Fundraiser of the Year Winner:
Charlotte Bradley
Welcoming New Students into the Community Award Winner:
Azra Yapici
Act of Kindness Award Winner:
Azalea Elliot
Young Carer Award Winner:
Olivia Cameron
Courage Award Winner:
Jack Lewis
Special mention to Jack’s brother Archie Lewis
Special Recognition Award Winner:
Bailey Shore


Recapture all the excitement and check out our photo gallery from the 2023 Community Champion Awards here.

You can also watch the highlights Community Champion Awards 2023 Video and read about the awards night in our News item here: Community Champion Awards 2023.

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